Light Vehicle 2025

Building on the results of previous Interreg-funded EMR projects (“Automotive.NET”, “ACEMR”), the partnership of “Light Vehicle 25” aims at strengthening the competitiveness of the EMR through the development of cross-border value chains in the automotive branch of lightweight engineering.

In particular, closer collaboration between companies and research institutes across-borders shall stimulate the joint development and commercialization of new automotive lightweight components. Driven by the ambition to significantly reduce fuel consumption and the emission of CO2, three prototypes shall be developed  by cross-border consortia in the course of project implementation. Following their production and testing, the  partners intend to actively disseminate the results of the funded demo projects, in particular towards potential clients such as the key target group of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). At the same time, the results of project will allow the two participating vocational education and training centers from Wallonia to include modules on “new technologies” in their training curricula for automotive professions.



Project pictures